Paul Baloche: Singing about The Same Love

Paul Baloche is one of those whose music I'd always loved but never knew him by name.
I only knew his songs whether sung by him or someone else, that is until about 8 years ago. Since then, Paul has been one of my "go to's" for worship. His songs are honest and easy to sing and "most times" easy for me to play. HA!!
Who doesn't remember "Open The Eyes of My Heart" or "Above All," written with Lenny LeBlanc or "Hosanna?" These are all great songs! I can't be sure of this, but I would venture to guess that Paul's songs, whether written by just him or with others, are probably the most songs heard, during a worship service in churches around the world or small groups, etc.
What I find amazing about Paul Baloche, is that he is not stingy with his songs "i-ther." : ) He is quick to share his tips and tricks in workshops, worship magazines, DVD's or his website. Allowing a sometime simple worship leader like me to play these songs like a pro.
The New Album

Paul's latest release,
"The Same Love,"
celebrates 20 years
of music and
ministry for Paul and
his 12th recording with
Integrity Music.
Pretty nice track record!
"The Same Love," is definitely a album of hope. When I think of my loved ones going through battles of various kinds, this album is a comfort.
Several songs have particularly touched me.
The first one; "Just Say," with The Brothers McClurg and written by Paul and Chris & Anthony Hoisington.
"Save me from myself and calm the raging seas
You will be my ark that floats me up above the storm."
"Hear my humble prayer help my unbelief"
These words couldn't be more true in my own life.
Especially when I feel that I've failed the Lord and all I want to do is say to Him. . .
"Just say
Just say the word
Just say the word
Iʼll be made whole."
I can feel that pleading and almost begging tone in the lyrics. Like the woman who suffered her malady for over 10 years and all she wanted to do was touch the hem of Jesus' garment. I can feel that!!!
I'm curious as to what the inspiration was for this song.
In my opinion, this is a a very tender song of love and acceptance.
I also have to say at the bridge, I love that little jazzy piano groove going on. Nice! Love that there is just the right amount of instruments in this and the finality of the piano chord. . . Yes, very nice.
"Your Blood Ran Down" at first listening, was my least favorite, with it's repeat of "Your blood ran down" about 8 times. But then, one day, I listened to it again and was in awe by those lyrics. . .to know that His "blood ran down for me" is very humbling.
This is a very, very beautiful and simple piece. I could see this in a soundtrack.
And maybe the reason I think this, is because Paul wrote this after seeing "The Passion of The Christ." In a video talking about this song, Paul referred to Romans where it says, God demonstrated His love for us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. He said he had to get this on an album.
I'm so glad he did. Thank you, Paul.
I love the lyrics of "My Hope. . ."
Nothing will change if all the plans I make go wrong
Your love stays the same
Your light will guide me through it all
I’m hanging on, I’m leaning in to You
Nothing can reach the end of all Your faithfulness
Your grace is with me
Through every shadow, every test
I’m hanging on, I’m leaning in to You
I don't know where You’ll take me
But I know You're always good
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Your great love, Your righteousness
I will not walk another way
I trust Your heart, I trust Your Name
I’m holding on, I’m holding on to You
You are my rock when storms are raging all around
You shelter me God
I’m safe with You on solid ground
I’m hanging on, I’m leaning in to You
Several of my family members are going through what these lyrics describe.
And this seems to be their mantra. . . "I’m hanging on to You!"
Powerful lyrics, and with Kathryn Scott's vocals, it really make this song complete.
Songwriter; Ed Kerr, talks about writing "My Hope," having Paul listen to it, tweak it and putting it on the album. And as you know, I love the background of a great song!! Paul also talks about "My Hope" here.
Look Upon The Lord is like Isaiah standing in the presence of the Lord. Kari Jobe's voice is so angelic, I can see the seraphim and cherabim near by! And I have to say, I would love to see my 17 year old daughter sing this with her worship team. What a gorgeous tune!
The full track with songwriters is as follows:
1. The Same Love (Baloche, Michael Rossback)
2. We Are Saved (Baloche, Ben Fielding, Jason Ingram)
3. King of Heaven (Baloche, Jason Ingram)PPau
4. All Because of the Cross (Baloche, Ben Gowell)
5. Your Blood Ran Down (Baloche)
6. My Hope (Baloche, Ed Kerr, Sheila Rabe, Alyssa Mellinger)
7. Oh Our Lord (Baloche, All Sons & Daughters - David Leonard and Leslie Jordan)
8. Christ the Lord (Baloche)
9. Reign in Me (Baloche, Jason Ingram)
10. Just Say (Baloche, Brothers McClurg - Chris and Anthony Hoisington)
11. Loved By You (Baloche, Lincoln Brewster)
12. Look Upon the Lord (Baloche, Kari Jobe, Jason Ingram)
13. Shout for Joy (Baloche, Jason Ingram, Lincoln Brewster)
Grammy award winning engineer; Chris Lord-Alge worked on this album. You might know his work on U2's Beautiful Day, Switchfoot's "The Beautiful Letdown" and "Nothing Is Sound" as well as others. But for me, I love the fact that he worked on Chaka Khan's 1986 release of "Destiny" which my friend Tony Patler, was co-writer, musical director and keyboardist.
Congratulations to Paul Baloche for celebrating 20 years with a solid worship album.
It's a beautiful piece of work.